一旦机构收到官方奖励, Pre-Award服务 will work with the PI to ensure all required information is provided including the final budget. 一旦所有这些都被接收, it will be provided to Post-Award管理 to set up a grant index within three business days.
获奖通知后, Pre-Award服务 staff will review the sponsoring agency award budget against the internal sign-off of budget. 如果自奖励时间以来附加费率发生了变化,则将适用新的费率,并且PI需要相应地调整预算.
一旦项目负责人将当前更新的预算返回给授奖前服务, 创建新索引号的请求将在三个工作日内提供给奖励后管理部门.
An award letter and/or a final executed award agreement from the agency approving the project. 获奖文件必须包含:
- 奖励执行期的开始和结束日期
- 项目总资助金额
- 奖励的条款和条件
如果奖项尚未最终确定, 除上述资料外, PI必须提交一份预支账户申请表和一份赞助商的信,其中写明他们授权十大网赌平台开始承担费用.
PI将收到一封来自奖励后管理团队的资助会计的电子邮件通知,其中包含奖励/赞助机构的详细信息, 索引号, 项目的日期, 以及必要的附加信息. 这封电子邮件将表明索引已经准备好并可供使用.
请参阅 获奖后管理团队联系名单.
如果奖项尚未最终确定, the PI must submit an advance account request form and a letter from the sponsor with the following:
- 项目开工日期
- 项目总金额
- 根据预申请表格的要求,NJIT的预奖励预算
- 他们授权十大网赌平台开始承担费用
一旦预先申请表格被研究和财务办公室批准, 将在三个工作日内提供给Post-Award进行指数设置.
Financial obligations are when funds are committed for a specific use and are documented and defined in writing. 采购订单就是一个例子, 一份员工合同, 合同:签署的合同或其他协议, 杰出的发票, 或其他支出资金的承诺.
Grant funds may not be obligated prior to the starting date of the grant or after the ending date of the grant.
The Principal Investigator and departmental support can access the Grant Budget Summary, 实际费用明细, 费用备份文件, 以及对Banner自助服务具体奖项的承诺. 有关如何访问的培训和信息,请访问 金融网站-横幅金融资源.
Expenditures on an award must be incurred within the performance period of the grant or contract. 在开始日期之前的任何支出都需要赞助商的批准,在结束日期之后的任何支出都需要赞助商在费用发生之前的无成本延期.
授予协议提供了授予的条款和条件. All eligible expenses would have been listed in the budget narrative submitted with the proposal, 最终批准的预算, 并且必须分配给项目的目标. 这取决于费用的类型, prior written approval from the sponsor may be necessary before the purchase can be initiated.
Direct costs are those costs that can be identified specifically with a particular final cost objective, 比如联邦裁决, 或其他内部或外部资助的活动, or that can be directly assigned to such activities relatively easily with a high degree of accuracy. 直接成本的例子包括你的补助金、薪水和福利, 分包, 设备, 旅行, 以及用于实施项目的材料和用品的成本.
间接成本是根据赞助商或联邦政府批准的百分比向项目收取的. They represent an estimate of the university’s overhead on providing research facilities and administrative support. 这个百分比是根据直接成本计算的,并自动记入项目费用.
Can I carry remaining funds from the previous budget year in the current year for my research award?
从预算年度到预算年度的资金结转取决于奖励和赞助商规定的条款. The award agreement would provide requirements on whether carry over approval of funds is needed or it is automatic.
如果需要批准结转资金,PI必须配合 Pre-Award服务 获得赞助商批准的正式通知
成本(费用)转移——是成本(人工和非人工)从一个赞助或非赞助奖项转移到另一个赞助奖项的事后转移. 当费用需要从一个指数追溯地重新分配到另一个指数时,其中一个或两个指数都是赞助奖,这就完成了.
Cost transfers may be necessary to (a) distribute clearing account expenses; (b) correct salary distribution estimates; or (c) correct clerical, 记账, 或者数据输入错误.
A cost transfer form must be completed and the following information must be provided:
- the index and account number for which you are requesting the charges be transferred to/from
- 对原始费用的日期和描述进行详细的分类和支持
- 需要解释请求调职的原因.
一般, explanations for cost transfers should address why the expense was originally charged to an account or line item, 为何费用须转入/转出补助金帐户, 如果电荷被转移, whether the charge is allowable and allocable based on the terms and conditions of your award.
In addition, further justification/explanations are needed for transactions greater than 90 days. 任何超过90天的调整, give the perception that grants aren’t being monitored regularly and are an audit flag. 这些实例需要额外的文档, 明确的解释和纠正措施,以防止未来的错误.
Grants should be reviewed monthly or at least quarterly to identify if any adjustments are needed.
首席研究员必须确保转移的费用是适当的,并且是根据奖励条款允许的拨款或合同支出. 如果是这样,PI必须填写成本转移申请表.
如果他们符合授予条款的条件,那么后续单位将审查和处理费用转移. 如果没有足够的证据支持该费用的可接受性,奖后管理部门有充分的权力要求提供更多的信息或拒绝对赠款基金的费用进行记录. 在这种情况下,费用必须记入部门或大学基金.
Federal regulations govern the amount of time that cost transfers are allowed to be made. 为了遵守这些规定, NJIT policy is that all cost transfers must be made within 90 days of discovering any errors.
•超过90天的交易需要证明/解释. 任何超过90天的调整, give the perception that grants aren’t being monitored regularly and are an audit flag.
•这些情况需要额外的文件, 明确的解释和纠正措施,以防止未来的错误.
鉴于每月补助金工资报告的及时审查是预期的, labor transfers should occur infrequently and must include detailed documentation as to why the transfer is required. 赞助奖项的劳动力转移需要书面证明和PI批准,并且必须根据资助会计的要求在成本转移表上提供.
一旦该转移获得奖励后管理部门的批准, the PI will need to work with the labor redistribution initiator in their college to process the labor redistribution. 请参阅 劳动再分配金融网站 了解更多信息.
The PI must confirm from the award agreement what are the re-budgeting conditions and/or restrictions on the award.
• Changes in PI and/or PI and other key personnel percentage effort (25% increases or decreases)
跨多个联邦机构的事先批准矩阵: 预算变更批准矩阵
索取表格副本及提交预算修订要求, 请与您指定的拨款会计联系 获奖后管理团队联系名单.
注意:如果需要担保人批准, 预算转移将不会完成,直到十大网赌平台在发生重大变化之前获得该机构的正式批准和授权.
聘期为12个月的员工, some instructional staff and part time employees are normally ineligible for summer research salary.
There may be some limitations on this based on additional requirements on the sponsor award and agency regulations.
夏季研究期从学年毕业日的第二天开始. 暑期工作总时数不得超过420小时, consisting of 12 work weeks at 35 hours per week (70 hours or two weeks equals a pay period).
负责研究的高级副教务长将在4月份发出一份夏季薪酬备忘录,其中包括夏季薪酬期的详细信息, 夏季PAF提交截止日期, 和需求.
No. Summer salary is earned and paid over the same period as the summer research is performed. 在学年期间付出的努力不符合暑期工资的条件.
根据eCFR 200要求进行努力报告.430补偿-个人服务.
• The processes and system in place allow for reasonable approximations of the activity actually performed;
• Reasonably reflect the total activity for which the employee is compensated by the non-Federal entity, 不超过获补偿活动的100%, 这是由IHE对IBS的定义决定的。
工作报告s are distributed three times a year – once each semester – spring/summer/fall. 当工作报告可用于审查和认证时,高级副教务长将发出通知.
春季- 7月初(由于财政年度结束流程和重制截止日期)
夏季- 9月24日
秋季- 3月31日
是的, 旅行者的批准人, 在他或她的学校, 部门, 所有公务旅行必须经部门批准.
请参阅 金融网站 浏览更多旅游资讯.
游客应该提前计划自己的旅行安排, 探索多种交通和住宿选择, and complete their arrangements in the most cost effective manner as far in advance as possible. 你也可以用 安东尼旅行.
The university will reimburse coach class tickets aboard a regularly scheduled commercial carrier. 如果支付研究经费,旅行者必须使用美国国旗航空公司. 这所大学遵守《十大网赌平台》.
如果有商业理由或没有其他可比较的交通工具(如:交通工具),学校将报销租车费用.g. 出租车、豪华轿车等.).
The University will reimburse 旅行ers for meals in 旅行 status under the following options:
如果在会议上提供任何膳食,则必须按比例计算, 由酒店或其他来源提供, or if a 旅行er begins or ends his/her 旅行 after the start or prior to the end of the business day.
一般来说,膳食和食品的购买是不允许在赠款基金的费用. In those cases in which meal and/or food purchases are an integral part of the grant purpose, the need for such costs should be specifically identified in the proposal and explicitly provided for in the budget.
旅行者必须在返回学校后45天内提交旅行费用表和所有证明文件. 审批人和下一级审批人都必须批准超过45天期限提交的差旅费用表.
请参阅 金融网站 浏览更多旅游资讯.
旅行者的主管, PI, index/fund responsible person or their designee who does not report to the 旅行er must approve the reimbursement. Any 旅行 paid for by grant funds will also route to the appropriate grant accountant for review and approval.